Let's Go Hawkeyes!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Here we go!

Well, I never believed I would be a blogger, but here I am typing away and beginning what just might be an amazing adventure. I have loved the blogs my friends have posted and so I have decided to begin one of my own.

After watching Julie and Julia I pondered trying something very unique and hope that people would join me in that adventure. But truthfully, my life is unique and really I don't have time for something new. I am a mother of 2 full of energy, sweet, and amazing little rugrats. Jaylyn is 6 and is in 1st grade. Jacob is 5 and in kindergarten. They are very close in age and close with eachother. So close that they have a huge love/hate relationship!

I am a 2nd grade teacher and have been for the past 4 years. This is my 8th year of teaching all together. I truly enjoy what I do, but it is extremely time consuming and stressful. I have a fantastic class this year which does really help.

I am married to a wonderful man, Justin. He is going to help me with this blog which I am sure will be enjoyable in itself. There is never a dull moment in our home thanks to his craziness, kids busy bodies, and 3 active dogs.

Here we go! The Hawkeye Family is off and running!

I do want to point out that a lot of my time is spent helping my dear friend. You can read her story on 2 blogs. I will attach them to the right! Her son was diagnosed with a brain tumor 2 days before Christmas in 2009. His prognosis is grim so these blogs not only tell about his journey, but also fundraising efforts we are doing.

1 comment:

  1. Hey crabby!!! Welcome to the blogging world! It was great seeing you on Saturday morning! Thanks for all that you are doing! LOVE YOU!
